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Monday, April 22, 2013

Governing without forethought

Confident and competent people do not have to belittle others to build themselves up. The Conservatives, because they feel inferior, enjoy bullying and ridiculing others. It makes them feel grown up.

The worst part about their tactics is that they feel no remorse, it has become acceptable in Conservative circles, they are like serial criminals.... once you bully the first opponent, once you intimidate the first federal employee, once you make the first "RoboCall" it gets easier and eventually you justify it by convincing yourself it was the right thing to do.

I am not on the Trudeau band wagon but I must say that Harper's comments brings his own parenting and governing skills into question. A good parent wants to know "the route cause" of their child's actions, the same applies when running a country... "why did this happen?  what was the "cause"? and most importantly, how do we prevent it from happening again?

If you don't know the "route cause" you cannot find a remedy.

This government has shown time and again that they are reactive rather than pro-active whenever they encounter a problem or when they decide to "fast track" a bill. The "Temporary Immigration" bill and the EI changes are good examples of the Conservatives not being pro-active.

They "Fast Track" every bill without forethought or consultation.

Their tough on crime bill serves little or no purpose, criminals don't think of the consequences, if they did they wouldn't commit the crime in the first place. If the government was to take a pro-active part in finding the "route cause" they may just find that, while we still have criminals, we have fewer.

Programs must begin with finding the "route cause" to determine a solution or potential solution, implementing a program and adhering to it rather than changing it, reducing it or as the Conservatives like to do.... eliminate it.

The final word:

I watched the search for suspect #2 and the Americans desire to take him alive..... for three reasons according to authorities ..... first they need to know if other explosive devices have been planted around the city and .... most importantly ... what was the 'root cause" of this senseless act.... and are there other sleeper cells in America?

It worries me greatly that Stephen Harper does not care what the motivating factors are to a situation but prefers divisiveness above unity for all Canadians.

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