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Friday, May 31, 2013

Duffy makes outrages demands of Conservatives

While speculation on my part I said the other day that, in my opinion, there was an agreement made prior to Nigel Wright cutting Senator Duffy a check for 90,000 DuffyBucks that repayment would be made from the Conservatives war chest at a later date.

Now in emails between Duffy and a Conservative insider we see some of the Duffmasters attempts to extort money from the Conservative fund for his services.... including being made a Minister without portfolio....

The emails, from 2009, are between Duffy and a Conservative insider.
The email asks for advice about how Duffy should be compensated for what the email calls "my expanded role in the party." In the message, Duffy says he'll be speaking with Conservative Senator Irving Gerstein at a Senate golf banquet, but seems to indicate he'd already spoken with Gerstein. 
The email goes on, "I suggested they make me a min without portfolio, so I get a staff, car and more resources to deal with the pr fallout etc. he laughed and said he didn't think THAT was within the realm of the Cons fund."
So, continues the email, "What do I demand?" Then, in a bracketed sentence, he seems to answer his own question: "(That the Cons fund hire my private company, and I use the cash to hire additional staff to assist with these gigs?)
According to CBC, the Conservative insider replied telling Duffy not use Senate resources and that all his expenses should be reimbursed from the Conservative Fund, the Conservative Party's fundraising arm.

We now know, however, that Duffy didn't play by the rules. He was double-dipping.

And apparently, in true racketeering fashion, no paperwork or record of the agreement to pay the tab on behalf of Mike Duffy were ever made.....

Makes one say "Hmmmmm, so that's how they do it, EH"?

1 comment:

  1. A tripple play
    Wam Pam
    Cuff Duff
    Heave Steve
