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Monday, October 19, 2015

It feels like Christmas Eve.

I am so filled with anticipation and excitement about what tomorrow will bring after all the polls close that it reminds me of Christmas Eve 1949. I am 5 years old, we are driving home after church, dad is still wearing his Santa outfit after handing out gifts to all the kids in the basement of Bethany Presbyterian.

There is a layer of fresh snow along Wellington Street, dad has his window open and is shouting Merry Christmas to youngsters and their parents as they walk home from church or le reveillon with family.

My sister Rosalyn and I are in the back seat of dads 1948 Chrysler, mom turns to us and says “Alright kids when we get home each of you can open one present, just one”.

I run upstairs and grab the package marked “ Advance Poll Results”. I am dying to know how Canadians voted two weeks before October 19th, the anticipation and excitement has got the best of me. With the fabulous turnout of voters and the attempts to slow or discourage voters I am bursting. Better still, I am anxious to see what the morning of the 20th brings.

Damn this is the MOST exciting election I have experienced in my nearly 71 years….. Will this be the best Christmas ever?

Will I have the Canada I love back?

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