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Friday, November 27, 2015

ONE PISSED OFF SENIOR – My view of the Islamic State from my armchair

What to believe, we get so much spin and opinion from the CIA, CSIS, MI-5, media pundits, security experts etc; etc; How in the hell are we supposed to know what is hyperbole and what is reality. Experts, at least that what they are called in the media, are pumping us full of opinion that many of us convert into fact. We then convey our opinion as something we know to be true…. Because an expert said it was. Really?

I don’t know and I don’t profess to be an expert but, I do have a point of view that I have come to by discarding the bullshit and deciphering the opinions.

Upper most on the bullshit scale is “the Islamic State represents Muslims”. If you believe that then you are nothing more than an ignorant bigot. The way I see the Islamic State is they are a well trained and organized group of fighters who are intent on purging the Middle East of Shia and Christians, actually anyone who is not Sunni or does not follow the dictates of the Sunni beliefs.

Unlike the PLO of the past the Islamic State does not appear to have a country or a particular cause other than to create a pure race of Sunni Muslims. They make no specific demands that would allow for a basis of negotiation other than the life of a captive and then it only involves money.

There are those of you who call for the carpet bombing or nuking of the Middle East, what a sick view, kill millions of innocent people, to what end. The problem is NOT Muslims it is a group of some 30,000 out of the Worlds 1.6 billion practicing Muslims.

There is collusion between the Islamic State and certain countries in the Middle East, it becomes painfully obvious when one looks at those countries that have shut their doors to refugees yet provide financial aid to countries who grant them refuge.

So who trained the Islamic State? Who financed their start up?

Not one of the NATO or coalition countries will speak up and say it out of fear of the Ayatollah’s of oil. So why should we believe what they tell us?

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