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Friday, August 4, 2017

Even some GOP Flake understands what has to be done

Here is something you should read this evening. It's an extraordinary piece from the other GOP senator from Arizona. Jeff Flake is no fan of Donald Trump (and vice versa) but a lot of people have been waiting for someone with power, determination and guts to stand up to the blindingly obvious truth--something needs to be done.
Writing for POLITICO, Flake says:
"Under our Constitution, there simply are not that many people who are in a position to do something about an executive branch in chaos. As the first branch of government (Article I), the Congress was designed expressly to assert itself at just such moments. It is what we talk about when we talk about “checks and balances.” Too often, we observe the unfolding drama along with the rest of the country, passively, all but saying, “Someone should do something!” without seeming to realize that that someone is us."

My Party Is in Denial About Donald Trump

We created him, and now we're rationalizing him. When will it stop?

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